Sunday, August 9, 2009

The cupboard finds a new home

June 19Th. Grandpa John had a tooth pulled. He wasn't feeling the best and he told everyone I had hit him!!! Nice going Salty. :(

We are on our way to CO. The scenery is so pretty and John was trying to see more of the view. Not me, it was SCARY!!!!

This is the cupboard that my Uncle Lloyd Henline made for Jane and Alvie when we moved to CA. She was 4 and he was 2. It has had many coats off colors and lots of decorations by many children. At one time it was black to match their bed room. What does black mean, I"I don't want to know." We want to keep it in the family. Jane wanted it after Annette had it but Allie won out. We were able to pick it up at Annette's the day we left for Highlands Ranch along with some other goodies that Jane wanted.
After the Court of Honor we took it to Allies,
James took it to the basement and fixed the window frame and hopefully they'll have it all nice and fun for a lot of years. and left for UT.


Shelli said...

I was there when John got home from the dentist, so I verify that you didn't hit him!

Jarom and Melissa said...

We want the cupboard next. Great post!

Randy said...

Mother did I mention that I like the back to school boarder?