This was a fast trip. One that was decided
upon at the last minute but we
had a great time.

More pictures to follow. I'm trying to blog digitally and it is hard.

Cake and after the ceremony. James, Grace and Marie enjoying every bite..

Bryson begging for some more cake, he thought it was delicious.

Where would we find Jane? Always busy making sure everyone got cake.

There was punch. A beautiful color of red and just delicious.

Jarom had to work the night of the Eagle Court of Honor but we got this photo of him and Bryson before Jarom left for work.

Grace in the gymn. Does she look like ,"What's up?" We think so.
I think she knew there was cake and punch.

What is she telling Seth? I wish we knew.

Seth has a great smile.

Ben and Tessa are trying to see who can get into the middle of the floor first with the long pole.
Grandpa John was in charge of the camera and he did a pretty good job. Thanks, honey!!!!
It takes a lot of work to get an Eagle! Way to go!
You took some great pictures. Love the scrapbook pages.
Grandma Jane says... WOW!!!
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