Thursday, September 10, 2009

Magna Aunt Myra's Funeral

Family cousins that attended Aunt Myra's funeral Tuesday July 28,2009. BACK ROW L -R
Lois Henline Hoffman, Carol Henline Wrigley, Luana Henline Baadsgaard
Janice Henline Lazenby, Merlene DeGraw Felix, Pearl Henline Peters, Nona Henline Benner

Pearl Elaine Henline Peters, Mick (Ronald) Henline and Janice Henline Lazenby
Front Row L-R We all had nicknames and I hope I didn't miss anyone
Janice Henline Lazenby,(Janice Q), Merlene DeGraw Felix, Pearl Elaine Henline Peters,(Pearlie Gates) Nona Henline Benner, (the ninth) Ronald Mark (Mick) Henline
Back Row
Jack Alfred Lang, Lois Henline Hoffman,Carol (Pursie) Henline Wrigley,
Ray D. Baadsgaard, Lillian Luana (Lue, Wannie)Henline Baadsgaard

Jay Harvey Henline and Pearl. Jay looks just like I remember Uncle Harvey looking. It was good to see as many of the family as I did.

Russell, and Marian Henline Kelson, and Pearl Henline Peters. It was so good to see her and I thought she looked great.

Russell Kelson and his beautiful wife Marian Bernice Henline
Jan, John (Salty), and I (Pep) getting ready to go to the funeral.

Aunt Myra McClellan Henline passed away July 21, 2009. She was born November 3, 1916. Her funeral was Tuesday July 28 2009 in Magna UT. She was mama's first cousin and she married daddy's brother so we were related twice.
It was a lovely funeral, the shortest 1 1/2 funeral I've been to in a long time.
We had a few memories of when we went to Magna for the 4Th of July and to Spanish Fork for the 24Th. I'll write more about them later.
I was sorry I missed getting pictures of Maxine, Phyllis and Lana. I thought I could get more at the cemetery but it didn't work out that way.

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