Danny Missionary Companions

Eliza keeping track of how many days Danny has been gone with great stickers.

Grandpa Pete is in charge of all the writing on this poster. It is on the side of Net's door so everyone can see it when they come in the house.

We didn't know how to do it all in one shot. It is nice and large and my new hair dresser would like to get one like it for her boyfriend. Can anyone help us locate another one like it? The same size, not smaller. Thanks

This is over by the computer. It was fun putting it up and seeing everything that has been added since he left.

Not the wee this time, but X-Box Scrabble. What a blast they had playing it. I don't think it is my game but it was fun watching them. John finally mastered the controls. Jonah had gone to a prom the night before-and this morning so he was wiped out but he came to when it was his turn.

Eliza was feeling a little ill but she did beat everyone, I think. She is watching Grandpa Pete. Look at the way he is concentrating.
Tess got your cards. There was no money, but she wasn't expecting any. Thanks.
Glad that you're able to keep track of Danny's mission like that. I'm sure it's been fun for all of you, especially Eliza and Grandpa John. Thanks for sharing.
-- Melissa
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