Welcome to Wendover, NV We made a quick stop to see if this statue was still there. It has moved from the first entrance to the last. This always reminded Mom of Ed. Jan's grandchildren always thought so too. They would see it when they traveled around the horse races.

Pearl and IdaHoggan. What a delightful visit we had with her. She had her 90th birthday March 4th and she is relief society president of her little branch. She has more energy than I have or anyone else that I can think of unless it is Jane, our daughter.

We stopped to see Margie. She is one of Annette's friends and Ida's daughter. She had been ill and really didn't want her picure taken but I told her it was for Annette so she let me take it.
Ida took us around Grantsville. We ate at a great Mexican Resturant, one of two in town. The food was so good and the service was fast. I'm sorry I didd't have my camera with me, but maybe next time. Annette took the water polo team there and it was fun for them. They were short handed becasue some people called in sick but they fixed meals for the players and coach first and then the rest. I think they'll go back again, we will. The other resturant is Chinese.

The High Schcool is very nice and large. All of the surrounding communities go there, but a new one is opening in the fall. That is always a tramitic experience for the seniors. They are the Cowboys. It was fun looking at everything.
You are always traveling and making the most of your visits. Good for you. So nice of you to take pictures for Annette.
Hey there Peppy Pearl! Nana Shanna here. How are your travels? We're staying relatively close to home until later in the year. Wedding plans are coming along nicely. Lots to do! My mom is visiting for two weeks. I brought her back with me when I went to my niece's high school graduation. It's so good to have her here. Hope it's not too hot there.
You are looking so thing and trim, Grandma, good for you!!
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