Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Spanish Fork Reunion

Pearl and Irena
July 23, 2010 John and I attended the 55 class reunion for Spanish Fork High, UT. We met at the Chillon Reception Center It was the first one I had attended. When we went inside there were two class reunions being held, one for me and one for the class of 52. That was the class my sister Luana would of graduated from. We checked inside and saw her so got a nice surprise and then she brought an old friend Clint Dansie to see me. It had been years. So it was fun for all 3 of us. I went to Spanish Fork from the 3rd grade including the 8 Th and then moved and graduated from Payson High.
It was a delightful surprise and the one person I wanted to see was there. Irena Hanson. We laughed about our homemaking teacher Helen Weeks Powell. Helen had just became engaged and we were working on making skirts and vests. Irena had this brown corduroy material and needed help placing the pattern on the material so the nap would run the right way on both pieces of fabric.Helen was so twitterpated that she put the nap on the wrong way. Irena said she never wore brown again. Memories are forever. I had ordered a book from our class and was able to pick up the 1955 class book also. It has been fun reading about old friends.
There are a lot of Spanish Fork people working in the St. George Temple. I hope some may recognize me and say hello.

One thing that I thought was unusual; they had 5x7 photos of most of our deceased classmates. I was surprised so many had passed away. For those with no photo they had the frame with the name printed on. Reminded me that life is very fragile an d we should value our time on earth.

Afterwards we traveled to Provo and spent the night with John's brother Gordon. What a delight for those two men. They talked and talked and was surprised it was after 11:00 p.m. I'm so glad they got in that good visit.

July 24 we stopped in Payson to visit the cemetary. We had a few flowers to put on the graves. Look At Alvie's tree. They have trimed it and it looks so much better than it did the last time we were there. It is even covering up the dead pieces. Thanks to whom ever did it.

Mom and Dad's headstone looks good. They all need cleaning but the lettering and their picture is as good as the day it was put it.
It doesn 't seem possible that it has been 7 years since they passed away.

They were watering Ed's so we didn't get pictures but everything looked green and we noticed they have street signs now, white with green lettering. Payson should be proud of their cemetary and it is growing. Looks like they are cleaning off an other piece of land to add more room for our ancestors.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Henline Cousins Reunion 7-10-2010

JULY 10, 2010 Luana Henline Baadsgaard had a Henline Cousins Reunion. There weren't many there but we had a great time.
We came from St. George and picked up Janice. The weather was good but after we reached the park the wind blew, it hailed and got so cold. We wondered if we would have to find a new place to gather.
We all brought pot luck and it was very special.
Jack Batt was there, is is now the oldest living member of the Henline Family.
We hope next year thre will be more attending.
Aunt Afton and Uncle Lloyd's family had a reunion planned at Hill Field Air Base and they had the most represented.
I'm to make a copy of all addresses and e-mail for everyone there. I must hurry or I'm going to be in trouble.
We realize as more and more of our family pass on how important families are and we must keep cousins knowing each other no matter how small the group.
Thanks, Lue, it was a great event and we are so glad we came.

This picture shows how dark it got befor the sleet, hail and rain. Then it cleared up. Was still cold but it didn't stop us from having fun.
We felt a little like our pioneer's crossing the plains and knew how they felt with thier hardships. We are glad we live now and not then.

Peters Cousins Family Reunion 6-5-2010

June 5, 2010 at Spring Lake , UT the Peters Cousins met and enjoyed each other and shared many memories of their ancestors.

John is going to make copies of his great grandparents for his cousins.

He was delighted to know there are a lot of baseball players in the Peters family.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Grandma, Please take more pictures of me. This is so much fun. I'm not afraid like I was last year.

Big splash for such a little girl.

Are you watching?

Guess Who ?????

OH! OH!!! another belly flop and a big splash.
Look at me Grandma, I'm so brave !!!!

Elsie is having more fun than anyone and she is so brave, it is scary for me.

She looks like a pixie doll.

Looking at the swans. They are so cute but they have grown a lot. since they were here a month ago.
This water is nice and it is fun having daddy in the water with us.

Family fun in the water.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

paul's vacation

We took a tour of Brigham Young's Winter home in St. George. It was very interesting. They had just planted cotton seedings so they didn't get to pick any grown cotton but it was fun seeing the inside of the home and finding out they painted the wood to make it look like Mahogany. It was beautiful. When we were about to leave Paul and John spotted two falcons sitting in these trees. If you click on the picture you can see them.

A new addition to Padre Lakes: 4 baby swans that are growing and soon they'll find a new home because the ponds are only large enough for two at a time. There are some ponds that are so little they have no swans and the people living on the ponds are unhappy. We do live in a beautiful place.

We went to a movie, "DESPICABLE ME", everyone liked it except Grandpa and I. We did like the last 20 minutes. Maybe if we saw it again we'd like it better.
The very best time was Frog Hunting with Eliza, Jonah, Christy, Paul and Rabecca andd the four children. We were so happy the frogs were out, a week before they were still hiding.
I think Nathan has the touch. I feel bad I didn't get any pictures but Rabecca ad Paul did so hopefully they will blog about them.

The highlite of the Peter's family Reunion is swimming at the club house.
They have improved in their swimming since last year and it was fun watching them.

Sunday July 11, 2010

It was our 52nd wedding anniversary so this was indeed a special day for all of us.

Thanks for everyone who brought food and shared so many memories with Danny. He was a super missionary and I'm sure he'll be missed in the field. Spain, Malaga was his mission.

This is the first time in a long while we've had our children together for a photo. Everyone looks so happy and they were glad to have a picture taken. There were many more taken, I hope someone shares a "real one" as Pam would say.

Teresa's girls with Eliza. They are all so beautiful.

We figured there were about 30 people to the church. Our friends Mona and Gloria didn't come to the house so we didn't get pictures of them. I hope I got everyone else. John was helping and we did our best.

Pam and David, they were the Bar-b-Que cookers for this lunchon. They did a great job. John and his uncle.

Annette and Teressa and John's Aunt and Uncle from St. George.

I don't know where Elsie age 4 disappeared. She is a doll.. You'll just half to check out the next blog, Paul's vacation.

Nathan age 6, and Kayla age 8. They love to read. Kayla is reading Harry Potter and I can't remember what Garrett is reading but it is thick too.
Garrett age 10. Grandpa Pete age 75. Something made him think.

Paul's children found something to read and read until it was time for them to eat.

Danny's missionary companion and two of the LM's . They all lived close enough to come hear him report his mission to his ward. I saw their pictures in the Spectrum and mailed it to Annette so she could connect them. Danny was thrilled and surprised.

Staci and her mom,Kay. A nice surprise for all of us. They look so good. They brought lots of fresh fruit and a pasta salad.