Sunday, December 20, 2009

Paysons / Jan's P.T. Dec.14-16 09

More exercises for Jan. She is trying to rotate her ankle. It is harder than it looks. This exercise was scary. She thought she was going to fall off this table. She worked her legs by pumping them several times. I was very proud of her and I understand she even has more exercises to do. Keep up the good work Jan

Nice surprise. I had ask Jan and Shari if we could visit our friend Dee Hansen. She was ending her P.T. the same time as Jan was starting. She had made this cute purse and said she would make us one if we would buy the material. I may see if she'll make me one with her buying the materiala. I'm afraid I won't pick out the correct fabric. She can make it larger or smaller, depending on what you need when you use it. I think it is very stylish.

Here are Jan's Christmas trees. Russell Banks and family came down and decorated her outside and inside to help her and Shari feel the Christmas Spirit. What a great idea and fun for all. More decorations to follow. I'm still working on putting pictures in order. :(

Lue came for a visit while I was there and Jan and Shari showed us Jan's ankle. I brought up a DVD A Christmas Slide Show that Brother Blake had made for his family Christmas and his wife shared it in R.S. and I wanted them to see if and it and they were very happy to see it.

Seeing Janice and Shari. They showed me her ankle and how it looked with the pins out.
Jrom tells me there is a way to put photos in order but as you can see I haven't mastered it yet. Just enjoy what I'm trying to do. Thanks.

Brad was Dad's P.T. It was nice to see him again and these are some of the machines that Jan uses. She is very brave and they are patient with her.

This is the ramp they made for Jan in her garage and she was showing how she could walk up it with someone by her side. Her home teacher was the main designer of it.

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