When we started out from Palm Springs to Oceanside we got into this storm. It is so pretty but I'd rather be inside than riding in the car. Seems every time we changed traveling places the rain followed us. I haven't seen so much snow, rain, sleet and hail in a long time. Seems like everyone is having the same weather pattern. We need the moisture but we'd like it when we want it and not when Mother Nature gives it to us. I'm glad we made it without any problem. :)

I loved this little cartoon and wanted to share it with everyone on our blog.
Elsie wasn't sure she wanted us to be her friend. She had just woken up from a late nap after we arrived but she soon warmed up to Grandpa John. Does that surprise me? Not at all.
Kayla watching the movie, but ready to go outside the minute everyone was ready. Check out the way she is setting. Oh! To be that young and agile again.
Grandpa and Elsie and I were going to drive the car over to the Lowe's parking lot where they ride their bikes because there was plenty of space and no cars to worry about. Elsie decided she didn't want to ride in our car, she wanted her own car, Paul finally put her in the carriage and she rode with him. They had so much fun riding their bikes and and I walked while Grandpa showed The Lion King and each one of the children took turns watching the movie.
Nate, Garrett and Gabe. They are ready to ride. Gabe is their friend and he went to the beach with us at Thanksgiving time. I can't get use to all of the modern equipment they have for young people now days. They didn't have anything like that when Paul was a boy.
Check out Nate's Peace Sign, he was always doing that when we were taking pictures. We had a struggle keeping the fingers down and not in his cute face.
Rabecca was at the San Diego Temple Saturday. She is a volunteer the 2nd Saturday of the month and really enjoys it.
She is such a darling girl. She wiped out on her bike when she was riding with her dad, check out her face and the seven stitches under her chin. She has also lost some teeth and had one hanging by a thread but there was NO way she was going to let me pull it. I told her I was the champion tooth puller but she didn't care. She also is the first one to put her helmet on. They all know the rules and practice good bike skills.
Great pictures of the kids. It looks like you had a lot of fun with them watching movies and riding bikes. They're all adorable.
-- Melissa
The pictures of the little ones are absolutely beautiful. Good work Sis!! Love ya from Colorado!!
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