February 15, 2009 was a very special day for Paul, Rabecca, Garrett, Kayla, Nathan,Elsie John and I. After we played ball in Palm Springs,CA we traveled to Oceanside. Paul had called and told us they had asked to ordain him a High Priest. What a thrill and the best thrill was he wanted his father to ordain him, if his Stake President gave him permission to. Before we left we got John's line of authority out and made a copy for Paul, made sure we had his temple recommend and thought we were A-OK. When we got there Paul still didn't have the confirmation that his dad could do it. The high counselor over the High Priest needed to talk to our bishop. We finally found the ward building number and we called and were told that Bishop Hatch was in a meeting. Our church started at 11:00a.m. and Paul's started at 1:00p.m. We all got dressed and were ready still not knowing what the outcome was going to be. At 12:30 John called the bishop's office again and brother Randall said the bishop was in a meeting but he would check for us. When he came back to the phone he told us everything was OK and John had permission to ordain Paul a High Priest. We all learned a lesson that day, always be prepared because you never know what other stakes want. We knew you needed permission to bless a baby, baptize someone out of your ward but we all figured having your temple recommend and priesthood authority lineage was enough. It was a great experience for all of us and after we all went into our class rooms one of the high priest asks if he could say a few words. He was told yes and welcomed "the young whipper snapper into the quorum and hoped he could keep them awake. Paul is 41 and the youngest man in the quorum. They set him part as the second assistant in the quorum and invited John to stand in the circle. It was a very humbling experience.
After church was over we started home to Ivins, UT. We had a few pictures taken, Nathan was out of his church clothes by then and showed his famous peace sign.