The St. George Mayors Walk has been going on for 21 years. It starts at Bluff Park and goes for 2.1 mile and ends up at Vernon Worthen Park, where the Marathon Runners cross the finish line also. Hopefully we can finish before the Marathon Runners and wheel chair participants start coming in.
There were 1500 participants this year. John and I registered Saturday the 27th of September. I couldn't find anyone to walk with so he (John) joined me. I was excited- he wasn't sure . Our son-in-law David Munsterman said he would pick us up at 6:30 a.m. so we could leave our truck near the finish line the night before. When we woke it was a rainy morning. The sky was dark and I knew I wanted to walk but Salty wasn't so sure...
There were 1500 participants this year. John and I registered Saturday the 27th of September. I couldn't find anyone to walk with so he (John) joined me. I was excited- he wasn't sure . Our son-in-law David Munsterman said he would pick us up at 6:30 a.m. so we could leave our truck near the finish line the night before. When we woke it was a rainy morning. The sky was dark and I knew I wanted to walk but Salty wasn't so sure...
Our shirts are so cute. I tried to scan one and here is what it looks like, I hope it works. It did! Thanks to Shelli !! Our #s are 1007 (Salty= Mickey Mantel # 7) and 1008 (mine) was Yogi Berra# 8:)

When we got there there were lots of people, strollers, dogs wagons, and Mayor McArthur with his megaphone. There was a red and white arch that went into the sky at precisely 7:00 a.m. and we were on our way. We all sang "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" as we walked along. Some people ran,some jogged and the others walked and visited with one another and thanked the officers who kept the roads closed. There were greeters who wished us well all along the way. They were waiting for the wheelchair and runners to cross their paths. The highlight for us was a bulldog wearing his tee shirt. He finished before the wheel chair participants and runners came in. He was so cute.
In 2004, our granddaughter Allie Ranee Guthrie Thornbrue ran the Marathon for the first time. Her mother, Jane Peters Guthrie and I decided to support her by walking in the Mayors Walk. It was a fun experience and was hard on me because I hadn't really started to walk much. I think it took us almost the full hour. 2005, my friend Shaunna Mitchell and her friend walked. Shaunna had family and I walked with them because Shaunna and Misty her friend from the post office went too fast. I did better and then in 2006, Shelli Campbell and I walked it. She was my visiting teacher and were both trying to get into shape. She had bet me hands-down but it was nice to walk with her. I think it was colder that day and more people. I skipped 2007 and can't remember why and then 2008 was Big Time because John walked with me. We were thrilled to see the wheelchair participants start to come in but that is another story.
There was no one there to take pictures of John and I but we had a great time, even though the rain finally filled up the umbrella and my rain hat and we got soaked. We stopped in to see my hair dresser, Tessa at Hairitage Hair and showed everyone our darling shirts. They convinced me to come back for another hair appointment. My perm was too new to wash so we just wet, set and styled and I looked great again. Tessa W. is wonderful and I will miss her when she graduates the first week in November.
There was no one there to take pictures of John and I but we had a great time, even though the rain finally filled up the umbrella and my rain hat and we got soaked. We stopped in to see my hair dresser, Tessa at Hairitage Hair and showed everyone our darling shirts. They convinced me to come back for another hair appointment. My perm was too new to wash so we just wet, set and styled and I looked great again. Tessa W. is wonderful and I will miss her when she graduates the first week in November.
That was great and sounds like so much fun. I do hope that Jan and I can do it with you next year.
What great record-keeping. Perfecet geneology. I thought it was funny that you sang "Oh What a Beautiful Morning."
James says that in another 19 years they'll arrive in the promise land.
WOWie! Good write up mom. I love the t-shirts from the Mayor's walk. Thr turlte was perfect mascot. If your sisters show, maybe I'll come too!
Awesome, Grams. keep up the good work, I love your accounts.
Hey was John able to get me one of those neat t-shirts???
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