This year I received my 10 year participant identification with Huntsman World Senior Games. It was really exciting for me, seems like it was taking me forever but I guess as seniors, 10 years is a long time. It has been 10 years since I got my first GOLD MEDAL. I was bowling with John in mixed doubles. It was a real shock when I was told we had won the GOLD in our age category; 60-64. I don't remember all of the medals I've won but I do remember some of them.
John had a bowling case made for me one Christmas showing the first few medals . That is why I can remember some of the ones I received. 2000 Bronze Doubles and Bronze In the" All Event category" for my age group. I was shocked and very pleased. There were a lot of bowlers and I never dreamed that could happen to me. :) I also received a Bronze for mixed doubles that year. 2001 Silver in mixed doubles and Bronze in Doubles.
It got harder and harder for John to bowl with me because of his involvement in the softball division so last yer I was really heart broken when he decided he couldn't bowl with me so I picked my team members, Ted Kezos, Pat Guckenburg, Arlene Rammage and my self. What a shock when we took the GOLD. We really gave John a bad time, I don' t think he medaled last year. Ted has been a friend for may years and we've know Pat a long time also and Arlene was her friend so it was fun. It was Arlene's first time to bowl in the games also and that is just icing on the cake for those of us who are lucky enough to get a medal when we bowl for the first time and if you can walk away with the Gold then you are really happy. We have taken teams to Reno NV and bowled. One year Pam went with us. We bowl together on a Tues night Mixed League and it is fun. David, her husband use to bowl with us but the last two years he has been the 3rd man member and Annette was our 3rd women but with the price of gas this year she has opted not to bowl and we really miss her. Our daughter, Jane, will be old enough to bowl with me and that is my big desire, to bowl with my daughters in the games. We have had several mother daughters combination and they have so much fun and I know that we'd have fun if we can just convince her to do it one year. If I can find a picture of me with a medal I'll post it.
This year I bowled doubles with Marge Jones, a first time bowler with the games .
We won the Gold and she was so excited and I was also John and I bowled mixed doubles and took the bronze. I qualified for all the categories except for the team. Our third lady, , Vera Connor(s) pulled a ham string and wasn't able to bowl her usual score when we bowled the first time. All together I bowled a total of 21 games. I bowled better than I've bowled in two years. If you qualify in everything you can bowl 24 games and that is a lot of games and can be hard on your body. But what fun when you win!!!
The games have a new logo this year and I wanted a medal so bad. I had no idea we would get the Gold. I think this is the first time we haven't been to the awards ceremony, it was fun knowing we were getting a medal and made it easier for John and I to head out to Phoenix for a championship softball game and then another tournament. Busy busy life we lead at times. They tell me that is what keeps us young, and young I want to be so I'm glad we can still go and do different activities together.
Bowling is a fun sport and you get to meet a lot of friends and also get some different exercise with muscles you don't always use.