Saturday August 28, 2010. John and I finally made it to the Corn Festival in Enterprise. It was their 20 annual event. We had a fun time, we met Annette, Danny and Eliza at noon. We had lunch at the Senior Center and walked around and saw two of John's softball players and their wives. Al and Sheila Taylor and Gerald and Karen Hazel. We also saw Ted Weight and his wife Jolene. They come every year and learned that if you don't buy your cinnamon rolls and scones early you miss out. There was also fresh veggies to buy and fresh fruit. It was fun but the wind blew and we didn't stay for the Dutch Oven Cookout, hope to do that next year.
We came home and got ready for Jane and Randy to come for their short stay here. Randy turned 55 and wanted to hike in Zions with his brother + his wife Leslie, and son .He enters the MTC Wednesday so this was their last fun outing . They invited Danny to go as well as other friends. I'm sure they will be a blog out soon. They had fun but it isn't for me or Jane. We had our own fun with Annette and Pamela.

There were 93 participants this year. One car got as far as main street caught fire and burned up. Really sad for the owner, that would of made the # of entrants 94. Maybe next year. Here is a view of one lane of cars and me next to a Chev('37), we tried to find a 53, but there was only 55. I had a 53 Chev when we got married. It was a good little car, I had it most of the time John was on his mission.

We took this license plate for Garrett. It is his initials, I thought it was COOL, just like Garrett.

This 12 foot albino python named Katie was a hit with most of the crowd including Eliza and Danny. It was interesting to look at but there was no way I was going to have that around my neck. He likes to eat rabbits said Nathan Hanks, his owner.

The wind blew so hard some of the tops blew off the displays. Danny was a big help to this display. He was able to help take it down without it being torn. Your a good helper Danny and your height was needed and appreciated .