We had fun reading library books and reading the scriptures. All of the children took their turn and it was so much fun seeing how well they read and when it was time for bed everyone went quietly.
Garrett and Nathan let us sleep in their room while they camped out in the living room.
Garrette and Kayla
Friday November 8 Th we drove to Laguna Hills Ca and saw Laguna Hills High School play in their new stadium (to us) a football game. John was so excited to see all the coaches and even students that he had taught. We stayed with Don Hilts, a friend and a teacher that has retired but still takes football games. We visited with Kathy Brooks. I helped her boys with their Eagle Projects and it was fun to reminisce. The next morning bright and early we drove to Oceanside CA to visit with Paul and Rabecca and children. We went to see and hear them in the Primary Program Sunday November 8.
Everyone wanted part of the ACTION. It was fun seeing them inter act and boy they are well coordinated.
We made a quick trip to CA to see Garrett, Kayla, and Nathan Peters perform in their Primary program at church. It was so much fun.