We finished the HWSG's(Huntsman World Senior Games) on Friday and headed to Phoenix on Saturday. Our plans were to drive as far as Kingman AZ and spend the night. We love the drive and I had forgotten we traveled by Hoover Dam or Boulder Dam as it is sometimes called. I 'm not sure any of our family have seen the dam or know a little about it so I'm going to show a few pictures and tell a little of it's history.

Hoover Dam, is sometimes known as Boulder Dam, it is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada. Construction began 1931 and was completed 1935. Two years ahead of schedule and was opened to the public 1936. It is maintained by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Hoover Dam was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1985. President Herbert Hoover was instrumental in the dam's construction, he was Secretary of Commerce and later president of the United States.
The dam is 726 feet tall and is 144 feet in length.
The Colorado River Compact was signed November 24, 1922. The state governors of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada , and New Mexico helped to work out an equitable arrangement

ELWOOD MEAD: He was the overseer of the construction of the dam.
for apportioning the water of the Colorado River for their state's use.In 1922 two bills were introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate for approval for the dam to be built. In December 1928 the bill was approved and December 21,1928 President Calvin Coolidge signed and approved the Boulder Canyon Project. Lake Mead is the reservoir created behind the dam and is named after Elwood Mead, who oversaw the construction of the dam.
During the first year of the dam's construction a town called Ragtown was constructed to house the workers. A temporary city that wasn't very desirable and the workers went on strike. Ragtown was deserted and Boulder City was built and there was no gambling, drinking alcohol,and prostitution permitted. Boulder City is the only town in Nevada that dose not allow gambling to this day and alcohol was illegal until 1969.

There are two inner diversion tunnels that have concrete plugs in them. These large spillway tunnels have only been used 3 times. The first one during the second half of 1941 for testing, the second one was for about 6 weeks during the summer of 1983 when record precipitation and snow-melt in the Colorado River basin drained into Lake Mead. The last one in 1999, again when heavy precipitation filled Lake Med. I think, if I remember correctly my sister Luana and her husband Ray Baadsgaard traveled from SALT Lake City, UT to see the sight. They said it was "awesome." The dam crosses the borders between two time zones, Pacific Time and mountain Time. There are two lanes of traffic across the top of the dam. By the year 2010 a new Hoover Dam Bypass will be completed and it will divert the U.S. 93 traffic 1,500 feet downstream from the dam. I can't describe how the construction looked as we were crossing the bridge. It is very scary to me and I hope I'm brave enough to cross it when the time comes.
Some transportation is diverted and large trucks and different types of vehicles are subject to being search. Since September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks are a large security concern. They are diverted to a bridge near Laughlin, Nevada.
There were 112 deaths associated with the construction of the dam. A true story that J.G.Tierney, was the first person to die during the construction site. He was drowned and his son, Patrick W. Tierney was the last man to die working on the dam. 13 years to the day. These statistics do not include heat stroke, heart failure, etc deaths during the construction.
John and I traveled as far as Kingman AZ that night. We were really tired. The next morning we found several addresses where we could attend Sacrament Meeting for the LDS church. It was on North Avenue and there were several wards listed and we thought we could follow the address with out any problems. Wrong, if you have ever been in Kingman you know the street starts, stops and winds around like a Jojo. We finally went back and started over with another directions. They forgot to tell us it was like going out of town almost before we found the Steak House (eating resturant) and turned right. We finally made it and was glad we did.
We attended church in the HUALAPAI Foothills Ward Kingman, AZ. The meeting was great and 12 of their sisters sang this song, and introduced their Family Home Evening Ward Service Project Idea.
In This Very Room Words and Music by Ron Harris
Matthew 28: 20 "and, lo, I am with you always. Even unto the end of the world.In this very room there 's quite enough love for one like me.
And in this very room there's quite enough joy for one like me.
And there's quite enough hope and quiet enough power to chase away any gloom.
For Jesus, Lord Jesus...is in this very room.
And in this very room there's quite enough love for all of us,
And in this very room there's quite enough joy for all of us,
And there is quite enough hope and quite enough power to chase away any gloom,
For Jesus, Lord Jesus...is in this very room.
In this very room there's quite enough love for all the world,
And in this very room there's quite enough joy for all the world,
And there's quite enough hope and quite enough power to chase away any gloom,
For Jesus, Lord Jesus...is in this very room
It was just beautiful and each sister was given a d.c.r to share with their families and friends as we left Sacrament Meeting. I was so happy to receive one. I wanted to do the same but haven't been able to rip copies but I'll keep trying. They were accompanied by a violin and a flute. ( I have memories of Allie and Staci when they play those instruments together.), our granddaughters Girls, keep it up. you have a wonderful talent and share it with others please G. Pearl
They had a service like our ward, serving needy families in our own ward and making Christmas one of giving joy hope and love to others who may need it especially this Christmas Season.
It is my wish to all of you that you'll remember the true meaning of Christmas and have a wonderful Holiday season.